THERE’S a time when football runs along the same lines of the spirit of the nation. Take 1966. The war was over, rationing had ended, The Beatles ruled the world and England were World Champions. Equally, Britpop coincided with Euro 96 – one of the more...
DO people believe that a computer arranges the fixture list? I’ve always wanted to think that it really is a random collection of games thrown together, but I don’t know. It just doesn’t seem random enough. I mean, how come we don’t play, say, Burnley at home on the...
NOTHING affects a season more than a change of manager. As the 2014-15 season ended, everything was in a state of flux. Brendan Rodgers, a hero just 12 short months earlier, had admitted that calls for his head were justified. The club had squandered their share of...
WRITE about your favourite ever player, he said. The one you always wanted to be as a kid in the playground or admired the most. Who’s yours? That’s not always an easy question. I mean, there’s your favourite and there’s the best. My hero lined up in the same side as...
IT seems strange to talk about my first game when I’ve no idea when the next one is, but these are strange days indeed. I’m not used to no football. I don’t suppose any of us are. And it’s not as if you can go and see a lower league game or even a kickabout in the...
“ANFIELD is a great stadium that is filled with great fans, but it is also very old. “If Anfield had to pass a technical inspection from UEFA, it would not be able to do so to save it’s life.” – Enrique Cerezo, President of Atletico Madrid. Cheers mate....