Ste Armstrong tells us all about the role football has played in his life, how that role has changed and how his life has been without it. Adam Smith hosts for The Anfield Wrap… Below is a clip from the show – to listen to more, click here to...
Neil Atkinson is your host for this week’s Friday Show looking at yet another huge week for the Premier League. He’s alongside Ian Ryan and Newcastle fan Alex Marshall ahead of Liverpool’s clash with Newcastle. He also spoke to Ste Armstrong from United We Stand...
Wembley Awaits: TAW Midweek Extra
The Anfield Wrap’s midweek podcast looking forward to Liverpool’s Carabao Cup Final against Newcastle on Sunday and reflect on their midweek Champions League exit at the hands of Paris Saint-Germain
John Gibbons hosts Beth Lindop, Leon McCowan and Mo Stewart.
Also in the show John chats to Tom Cassidy about LFC’s recent success at the Liverpool City Region Tourism Awards after the LFC Museum was awarded ‘Large Visitor Attraction of the Year’.