An overview of Liverpool’s sixth batch of fixtures and results, assessing the state of play as The Reds punctuated a solid run with a huge win. Rob Gutmann hosts Neil Atkinson, Fuad Hasan and Joel Richards… Below is a clip from the show – subscribe...
An overview of Liverpool’s fifth batch of fixtures and results, assessing the state of play as The Reds hit new lows in the New Year. Rob Gutmann hosts Neil Atkinson, Damian Kavanagh and David Segar… Below is a clip from the show – subscribe for more...
An overview of Liverpool’s fifth batch of fixtures and results, assessing the state of play as The Reds falter after the World Cup break. Rob Gutmann hosts Mo Stewart, Josh Sexton and Fuad Hasan… Below is a clip from the show – subscribe for more...
An overview of Liverpool’s fourth batch of fixtures and results, assessing the state of play as The Reds return from the World Cup break. Rob Gutmann hosts John Gibbons, Damian Kavanagh and Paul Anderson… Below is a clip from the show – subscribe for...
An overview of Liverpool’s third batch of fixtures and results, as The Reds took two steps forward and one back with the World Cup to come. Rob Gutmann hosts Neil Docking, Damian Kavanagh and Peter Bolster… Below is a clip from the show – subscribe...
An overview of Liverpool’s second batch of fixtures and results, as The Reds suffered but also benefited from a stuttering schedule. Rob Gutmann hosts Neil Atkinson, Mike Kearney and Ashley Getty… Below is a clip from the show – subscribe for more...
An overview of Liverpool’s first batch of fixtures and results, as The Reds made a slow start before bouncing back in a big way. Rob Gutmann hosts Mike Kearney, Harriet Prior and Damian Kavanagh… Below is a clip from the show – subscribe for more...
An overview of Liverpool’s first batch of fixtures and results, what the new season may bring and how Manchester City are shaping up. Rob Gutmann hosts John Gibbons, Damian Kavanagh and Stu Wright… Below is a clip from the show – subscribe for more...
An overview of Liverpool’s latest batch of fixtures and results, what’s left of their record May and how Manchester City are faring. Rob Gutmann hosts Neil Atkinson, John Gibbons and Josh Sexton… Below is a clip from the show – subscribe for...
An overview of Liverpool’s latest batch of fixtures and results, what’s to come next heading into May and how their rivals are faring. Rob Gutmann hosts Damian Kavanagh, Emilia Bona and Josh Sexton… Below is a clip from the show – subscribe for...
Due to a fixtureless weekend for the Reds this weeks Anfield Wrap is an Overview special looking at the Liverpool’s upcoming fixtures both domestically and in the Champions League.
Rob Gutmann hosts Phil Blundell, Ian Ryan and John Gibbons.
Also in the show Neil Atkinson talks to Emma Sanders about Matt Beard’s departure as manager of Liverpool FC Women.