A LOT has been said after the game last week about the Manchester City bus. Oh god, the poor bus, like the fucking thing had feelings, like Pinocchio or some shit. Papa, I’m a real bus. No your not lad, you are made of wood, you bellend. Pep Guardiola crying his way...
IT rained there, didn’t it? I was kind of hoping it would get called off for a bit. A couple of things about the rain. Point one, it’s the enemy of the baldy man. You ask any baldy mate they will tell you the same. When you are clinging on to the dying embers of your...
SOMETHING about these nights, isn’t there? Something that makes you giddy from the minute you get up in the morning. It’s hard to explain. People can poke fun; Evertonians can poke fun, but ask their lads if they were affected by the crowd. They settled quite well,...
Pre Match DID I ever tell you that I’m not a massive fan of Roy Hodgson? Yer, I’m not a big fan. I think I might have gone on record with this at some stage… Anyway, when he was our manager me and my mates used to come up with all kinds of tales to get us...
FOR some reason which currently escapes me, I’ve ended up watching the match in the depths of the Cambridgeshire Fens in a gaff called The Shed, with this poster on the wall: Now lads, before we get started, if I’m going to be able to watch the game here we need to...
HOW many times have you seen that first half there. What is it? The pitch? The ground? The referee? Answer, probably all of the above. We need a massive, big think about how we manage games when we go one down. Heads went. Collective heads. Forcing it left, right and...
Pre Match THIS is all but sorted, isn’t it? The amount of spares knocking about you would think these aren’t bothering sending a team tonight and are putting out 10 bottles of Superbock with a piri-piri chicken in goal. Let me take you back, circa 2003, to a...
SO there’s Rafa Benitez there, looking all managerial and important. What a man. Have a lovely big reminisce about them mad days with that mad crazy, needly bastard in charge of us. While you are doing that have a lovely big think about the now and have a look at...
Pre Match WHAT’S your favourite Davie Moyes moment? There’s plenty to choose from in fairness. I was a big fan of his half-time team talk in the FA Cup semi when he swallowed his undies and Big Andy Carroll lolloped that header rar in. Or his leaving doo from the...
SO The Reds are in the European Cup knockouts for the first time since we were all either a) kids, b) optimistic, or c) less baldy. These are what proper nerves are all about. Apparently, the last time we had one of these was that mad Chelsea one where Javier...
The Anfield Wrap’s podcast looking back at the weekend as Liverpool came from behind to beat bottom club Southampton at Anfield to extend their lead at the top of the Premier League table.
Neil Atkinson hosts John Gibbons, Kieran Molyneux and Rob Gutmann.