by Neil Atkinson | Nov 19, 2016 | Footie, Match Review
WELL well. The inevitable points dropped. They were going to be dropped somewhere. And they couldn’t be dropped better than that; couldn’t be dropped with greater elan and panache. That’s the strange thing. Process and outcome. We have a manager in...
by Neil Atkinson | Nov 6, 2016 | Footie, Match Review
THE Reds. Top of the league. This: – They deserve to be. – Only 11 games gone. – Book nothing for March and April and May. Make no plans. Expect to travel long distances. Prepare to resolve all situations. There is nothing but this right now. How do...
by Neil Atkinson | Oct 29, 2016 | Footie, Match Review
THERE are two important things to take from the game of football: 1. Liverpool are currently the best team in the country. 2. Liverpool think they are the best team in the country. Both of these things are equally important. Don’t get me wrong – Liverpool have a...
by Neil Atkinson | Oct 22, 2016 | Footie, Match Review
DROPPED points elsewhere. Every game matters. True and tiring – every game matters. I’m in Las Vegas, New York New York and I wake at 6.20am, 20 minutes before my alarm is set. The alarm being set then felt optimistic but, somewhere on some string theory...
by Neil Atkinson | Oct 18, 2016 | Footie, Match Review
THE worst part about the point is that it feels like Jose Mourinho’s point. I like him. I know you don’t and I know I am not supposed to, but I loved the substitution of Ashley Young at the end of the game. It was needle pure and simple and if caps...
by Neil Atkinson | Oct 1, 2016 | Footie, Match Review
SHE painted pictures, That never dried, Always tried to keep the feeling alive. In Newington Temple and Sparky’s Dream is playing and The Reds are victorious and The Reds are resplendent and all I want is to keep the feeling alive and it is all I ever want and...
by Neil Atkinson | Sep 24, 2016 | Footie, Match Review
I COULDN’T sleep last night. I woke at 1.30am after trying to get an early night and was wide awake for three hours. Wide-eyed and wired. Why? It could be other things. It could be thinking about work or thinking about bits of writing. It could be The Reds. That...
by Neil Atkinson | Sep 21, 2016 | Footie, Match Review
THIS is what dominance looks like. What run of the mill looks like. This is routine. We haven’t seen a lot of it round these parts but I just wonder if we are going to start seeing more. Sorry if you were a little bit bored at times. You weren’t alone....
by Neil Atkinson | Sep 17, 2016 | Footie, Match Review
LIVERPOOL in London for the third time this season already and for the third time they are clearly the better football team; for the second time they pick up the points, their superiority deserved. It’s fast becoming a season where that looks like it will be the test....
by Neil Atkinson | Sep 10, 2016 | Footie, Match Review
THE goalkeeper battered and bloodied. Our hearts racing. Finally, Liverpool cruising to a 4-1 win. They deserve it after 90-odd minutes of, what felt like, total chaos. When this Liverpool side get it right, at pace and speed, they look irresistible. But so much of...