DANIEL Sturridge is injured, again. He is reported to be out for an unknown period of time, again. He is likely to be absent for the remainder of a crucial period for Liverpool Football Club when they could really do with having him fit and firing, again. All of the...
FOLLOWING the Taylor Report in 1990, Liverpool’s impetuous arch rivals Manchester United found themselves in a situation of ponderous limbo in relation to their Old Trafford home. United’s all-standing home had seen its capacity steadily decline since the Second World...
SATURDAY October 16, 2004 will live eternally in my memory. It was probably my most traumatic, rewarding experience watching Liverpool FC, Istanbul aside. Liverpool travelled to Fulham in the Premier League that day in the infancy of Rafa Benitez’s tenure. I was going...
“WE are all trying to improve. Improvement sometimes means to change something; sometimes it just means to wait.” Jürgen Klopp has spoken a lot about young players and their development during his time as Liverpool manager. The quote above from October 2016 when...
THAT was quite the month, wasn’t it? The semblance of hope dashed seemingly before our eyes and telling ourselves things we’ve repeated to ourselves many times before. *Insert league winners name* were just too good, weren’t they? We just didn’t have enough in the...
“WE’RE building something here, detective. We’re building it from scratch. All the pieces matter.” A line from the nonpareil Clarke Peters character Lester Freamon in The Wire, talking about his investigation into a spiralling drug conspiracy case in West Baltimore at...
I WAS going to write this piece predominantly on the euphoria of Sadio Mane’s goal on Monday night. It has been said many times since, but there really is no better way to reaffirm your own title credentials than inflicting yet more unbearable anguish in the dying...
The Anfield Wrap’s midweek podcast looking back at Liverpool’s 2-0 victory over Newcastle at Anfield and the wider ramifications after Arsenal again drop points.
Josh Sexton hosts Beth Lindop, Rob Gutmann and Abi Rudkin…