The Anfield Wrap has an agenda. It does. It has an agenda. Every Monday and every Wednesday me, Andy Heaton or Jim Boardman write an agenda for the panel to talk about. That’s the agenda.

So in the spirit of inclusivity, I want you to have an agenda for our phone-ins going forward. I want you to have some time to think about what we’re going to talk about and get yourselves ready for a good chat on Thursdays at 6pm. Some weeks, like this, it’ll be obvious. Others less so. But, regardless, here is the first phone-in agenda:

City Talk Phone In Agenda 31/5/12

Time – 6pm

Place – your house, car, headphones, whatever. 105.9 FM and

Number – 0151 708 1059.

Host – Neil Atkinson.

Guest – Mike Nevin (co-author of On The March With Kenny”s Army)

Opening question – what would your Olympic event be if you had to choose one?


1. Brendan Rodgers Superstar.

a) What do we call him?
b) What players do with think will flourish under him?
c) What you think of his tactical approach?
d) Where does he need to improve the squad to get the best out of Liverpool?
e) Seeming refusal to work with van Gaal. Sensible man?
f) Players likely to go? Any chance that Maxi, Dirk etc get a reprieve?
g) Is he younger than you? How does that make you feel?

2. Expectations for next season.

a) Do we just want to see any improvement or is there a baseline league place or figure we expect him to meet?
b) Cups going to be seen as less significant?
c) Does this, and his footballing philosophy bode well for Liverpool’s younger players? Coady, Sterling, Teixiera et al?

Some articles/discussions:

3. On expectations, what will you pledge to do if Liverpool achieve a certain benchmark next season? If Liverpool/Everton win the league/come fourth/get relegated you will… Stick your neck on the line with us.

4. Is there a season ticket holder who sits near you that you hope won’t be there next season? Who do you want to jack it all in and why? Tell us under the cloak of anonymity.

5. Any Other Business.

So there you have it. Your phone in from six. Give me a call. 0151 708 1059.

Take it easy

