No mention of how useless Nunez was and how when he came it looked like we were playing with ten men. Nope instead they decide to bash Endo again, who admittedly might be limited at this level but by god does he put his heart and soul in it. You’re starting to look like you have an antagonism against Asian players here, might work on that fellas.
The Anfield Wrap’s midweek podcast looking back at last night’s draw at Villa Park, Liverpool’s performance in both midfield and defence after another 2-2 draw.
John Gibbons hosts Ali Gunn, Mike Kearney and Josh Williams…
Who was man of the match and why was it Endo?
No mention of how useless Nunez was and how when he came it looked like we were playing with ten men. Nope instead they decide to bash Endo again, who admittedly might be limited at this level but by god does he put his heart and soul in it. You’re starting to look like you have an antagonism against Asian players here, might work on that fellas.