A live recording of the New York podcast at the Wythe Hotel with Neil, Mike, Andy, John Gibbons, Mike Nevin and Ian Maloney.
[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/theanfieldwrap/PODCAST_-_LIVE_IN_NEW_YORK.m4a” title=”PODCAST: LIVE IN NEW YORK!” artist=”TAW Player” color=”ffffff” background=”default” ]
Link appears to be broken
the link doesn’t work!
you make us wait and now the link is broken!
Why the AAC format? It’s a nightmare converting the podcast to mp3 everytime. I realize it’s perhaps unfair to complain about a free podcast but still..
podcast not working guys, problem with the link
Yep….been waiting for a while but the damn link doesn’t work
I’d second the comment on AAC format I’m another listener who has to convert every episode. If you record on a mac it takes one click to change the setting to the universal mp3 format
…on Garageband after you click share to create the file click ‘Compress using…” and select “MP3 encoder” instead of “AAC encoder” then ‘share’. It should save this setting till you decide to change it.
Link appears to be working for me.
I honestly can’t believe that on the back of a “famous” win the podcast was STILL so negative, particularly with the stadium issue. Whinging about slightly increased prices whilst simultaneously whinging about the ground. What? Where, exactly, do you expect the money to come from?
We heard in previous weeks that FSG must “invest heavily in the squad”, to the tune of 15-20m PER WINDOW. Current gate receipts certainly won’t provide nearly enough to match existing wages AND bringing in new players, so why in the world would another pricing freeze help the situation? We still don’t have the level of commercial partnerships to bankroll a competitive squad AND an expansion, either. It seems like H&G stoked people’s imaginations with fantasies of new stadiums and accotrements which were never going to happen, and now they’re holding FSG to perpetuate the fantasy.
Also, they commentators place ALL the blame on FSG when those with property in the immediate vicinity and the city council have been completely inflexible. People worrying about sunshine, for instance. Christ. You want economic growth or do you want to live like a wilting flower in a cracked pot?
Here’s an idea, which is what those of us who are experiencing the SAME impacts from the global recession are doing – stop buying kabobs , cut back on the pints and save up for your tickets.
Moaning about reduced sunlight. Do they not realise we live in England.
Good for the locals. They don’t have to spend another 120 pounds to stay in a hotel for the weekend on top of Ryanair screwing you for the price of a very short hop also.
While I accept what is being said about the needs of local fans the cost of my last weekend trip to Liverpool was €400. So for two of those weekends = the price of a season ticket for the locals and there’s a major recession over here too lads. The local fans should have been breaking down the doors of Liverpool City council for the last 20 years over their lack of cooperation for the club in redeveloping the stadium, the area and even Evertons stadium. Other European Cities would move mountains & rivers to have the income that two huge Premiership Clubs bring to a city & it’s business people.
+1 Josek.
Respect to ya Josek! Dedication.
Harsh and a bit stereotypical towards the end, but fully agree with points made. Mostly well said. “Famous” win to describe Liverpool beating Tottenham is also very irritating, used to be our bread and butter.
I don’t know if that was a really good podcast or whether I’m still buzzin over the Spurs win but I thoroughly enjoyed that podcast.
I enjoyed the football part, not so much the rest.
Thing is mate, I think FSG are doing an ok job but it winds me up that I can’t take my lad to the match. Even if I could get 2 tickets together I can’t afford to spend £100 on a football match. I want my lad to grow up watching Liverpool like I did. It does need addressing but I also agree with you that it’s not straight forward. We don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes either.
P.s As someone with a degree and an interest in Human Geography which looks at the social, cultural, economical and political phenomenon of society I really enjoyed the section on the link between music and fashion and Liverpool Fc. I thought they held back on the full story of how fashion arrived on British terraces although did allude to it. In saying that, it was a trip to promote Liverpool not have the Americans thinkin we’re all scallies.
Great podcast as ever not quite as mad as 11th St, I am sure that followed at the gig after!!!
Was great to see the lads live in New York and also the sense of community there is among Liverpool fans and it does not matter where you are from we all support LFC.
So cheers lads it was a top night and well done on The Wrap I always look forward to Mondays and I hope it continues to grow and you are back in the US sometime soon.
Maybe a visit down under (Australia) next plenty of LFC supporters and we love our music as well. Plus, loved the show, everyone was buzzing, hope it continues against the saints.
Something that was glossed over (I think) in the podcast was the fact that not only did we beat a very good spurs team, but we actually came from a goal down to do it. For me that was the most pleasing part of the game, because if I’m honest, I couldn’t see us getting back into the game at 2-1 down. The kind of win that should give the players untold amounts of confidence for the remainder of the season. Don’t like the odds of finishing 4th, but 5th is certainly up for grabs if the players want it enough
The best bit was beating Bale and that knobhead celebration of his. What a div.
Guys. I called Bale a knobhead. He is. Why was it moderated?